Here are some examples of ways that I’ve supported people to work optimally.

Thomas - Events Company (Baccanalia) 

Thomas runs an events company (Baccanalia) and when we started working together, he was the only employee. The company is continually growing at a rapid pace, meaning that Thomas has to prioritise tasks. Initially, I worked with him to create templates for repeated, similar documents, compiling information into key documents. I now work with Thomas on a regular basis to offer support on how to optimise processes. 

Some of the responsibilities I have working with Thomas are: 

  • Planning and driving project timelines 
  • Supporting and directing the team 
  • Monitoring and reporting on project progress 
  • Implementing systems for progression 
  • Evaluating and assessing the result of the project 

The following testimonial is from the initial work we did together.

"I am thrilled to share my testimonial for Sam Shenton and the exceptional business streamline services she has provided me with. Working with Sam has been a game-changer for my business. Her expertise in rewriting pitching packs, crafting business acquisition templates, and preparing efficient processes has been remarkable. 

Sam's attention to detail and commitment to understanding my business needs have been evident from day one. Her ability to take complex ideas and transform them into clear, concise, and impactful documents is impressive. The pitching packs she has rewritten have been instrumental in securing new partnerships and opportunities for my company. 

Furthermore, the business acquisition templates Sam created have streamlined the entire acquisition process, saving us time and resources while ensuring a consistent and professional approach. Her dedication to creating customized solutions that align perfectly with my business objectives has been invaluable. 

One of the standout qualities of working with Sam is her professionalism and responsiveness. She has consistently met deadlines and been readily available to address any queries or modifications, making the collaboration smooth and stress-free. 

In summary, I cannot recommend Sam Shenton enough for her professional approach to business streamlining. Her skills, expertise, and dedication have contributed to the development of my business. I am truly grateful for her support, and I look forward to continuing our partnership in the future. Thank you, Sam, for your invaluable contributions!"

Fay - Nursery

Fay had complained multiple times to me in the past that her nursery business created a lot of paper; each day they had several paper registers, staffing sheets and various other administration forms. I created a spreadsheet for her that could be used on iPads within the nursery to register children and show if they (and staff) were in or out of the building. Fay could monitor this from her computer at home and the information was updated in real time. This spreadsheet also calculated the hours worked by each member of staff. The testimonial below reflects this work.

Since then, I have reviewed the onboarding process for new families and optimised this. I have also updated the website, ensuring information is current and coherent. I work with Fay on an ad hoc basis to review processes within the nursery administration and support optimisation of this section.

 "I run a small nursery business out of my home, and I was feeling overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork. I had a lot of different registers and spreadsheets, and I was constantly having to update them. I knew I needed to find a way to streamline my business, but I didn't know where to start.

That's where Sam came in. She helped me create a system for storing my paperwork digitally instead, and she showed me how to use spreadsheets to automate some of my processes.

The whole process was so much easier than I thought it would be. Sam was incredibly patient and understanding, and she helped me get a solution that was ideal for me.

Now, my paperwork is organised and I'm able to keep track of my business more easily. I'm able to find the information I need quickly and easily, and I'm not wasting time updating my registers and spreadsheets.

I'm so grateful to Sam. She helped me streamline my business and has saved me a lot of time and energy."

About Sam

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Small Business Examples

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